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Chain ID: mocha-4 | Current Node Version: v2.1.2

With Cosmovisor

Clone Celestia repository

cd $HOME
rm -rf celestia-app
git clone
cd celestia-app
git checkout v2.1.2

Build binaries

make build

Prepare binaries for Cosmovisor

mkdir -p ~/.celestia-app/cosmovisor/upgrades/v2.1.2/bin
mv build/celestia-appd ~/.celestia-app/cosmovisor/upgrades/v2.1.2/bin/
rm -rf build

Without Cosmovisor

Clone Celestia repository

cd $HOME
rm -rf celestia-app
git clone
cd celestia-app
git checkout v2.1.2

Build binaries

make install

Restart node and check logs

sudo systemctl restart celestia-appd && sudo journalctl -u celestia-appd -f --no-hostname -o cat