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Live Peers

Chain ID: namada.5f5de2dd1b88cba30586420 | Current Node Version: v1.0.0

All Live Peers for Namada

Here is a list of 1 active peers as observed by [NODERS]TEAM in real-time. Add them to your config.toml if you have trouble finding peers.

Here is a script for you to update persistent_peers setting in config.toml. Stale peers can cause node inefficiency over time, so the script below selects a few random live peers.

sed -i 's#persistent_peers = ".*"#persistent_peers = "tcp://05309c2cce2d163027a47c662066907e89cd6b99@,tcp://2bf5cdd25975c239e8feb68153d69c5eec004fdb@"#' $HOME/.local/share/namada/namada.5f5de2dd1b88cba30586420/config.toml

sudo systemctl restart namadad
sudo journalctl -fu namadad --no-hostname -o cat